Kongkau biatlang pi ttialning | Ways to write a topic sentences

Kongkau biatlang pi ttial ningcang? | How to write topic sentences?

Students face the necessity to write lots of essays related to various subjects. Each essay has paragraphs. They explain the ideas the author wants to write about. Topic sentence helps to summarize all the information described in each section or page of your paper; the reader quickly understands what the author is going to say and why he must continue reading. Topic sentence has some peculiarities. It is not so easy to write an excellent topic sentence, but you will learn how to write good topic sentences for various essays.

Sianginn ngakchia nih hin thil zeimaw pakhat khat kongkau he pehtlai in capar hi an ttial lengmang a hau tawn. Capar paoh nih hin catlang bu (paragraph) hi an ngeih dih cio. Cu catlang bu thoknak paoh ahhin kongkau biatlang pi hi ttial lengmang a hau. Cu kongkau biatlang pi (topic sentence) nih cun cattial tu nih a ttial hnawh chan taktak mi a ruahnak zong kha an langhter i an fianter tawn. Kongkau biatlang pi pawl nih cun catlang bu chung i na ttial mi vialte kha a tawi fiannak in zei kong dah a si, zeidah a cang ti le zeidah a um ti bantuk pawl kha a langhter i a fian ter ve tawn.  Cu nih cun carel tu nih thil an hmuh khawhnak, an theih khawhnak, le an fian khawhnak kha tliang ngaingai in a bawmh tawn hna. Kongkau biatlang pi pawl ttial le thai hi a fawi lo. Asinain, ngol loin cinh lengmang le tuah lengmang ahcun i ziak chin lengmang ve a si i, thiam chin lengmang ve a si ko.
What is topic sentence? Why is it important when writing an essay?
Kongkau biatlang pi cu zeidah a si, i zeiruang ahdah capar ttial tikah a biapit?
The topic sentence expresses the main idea of the paragraph. Such element is important to the whole writing piece. It not only identifies the main idea of each paragraph; it also has a broader function. Topic sentence is like a thesis statement in an essay; it describes the subject of the writing piece to show what he is going to read about. These elements identify the part of an essay. For the paragraphs to be balanced add have direction, there should be a clear and strong topic sentence. Let us look at the essential features of this element that help us to understand this element better.

Kongkau biatlang pi nih cun na catlang bu chung i ruahnak ngan bik, na ceih duh bik mi le na chim duh bik kha a langhter. Cucu cattial tikah a biapi tuk mi cattial ning a si. Na ruahnak le duhnak bik lawng kha a langhter si loin, na ttial ding kongkau kha zei a si ti zong fiang lang ngai in a langh ter. Na catlang bu chungah zeibantuk kongkau, zeibantuk ruangah, zeiti phun in tibantuk kha a hmuhsak i a fianter. Cucaah, hmual a ngei ngai mi kongkau biatlang pi cu na capar caah na ttial thiam a herh ngaingai. Cu nih cun careltu kha na ttial mi rel duh piaknak lungthin zong a ngeih ter hna lai. Cun, na ttial duh taktak mi kong zong kha ttha deuh in hlathlai chin le zoh chin zong a duh ter hna lai. Na kongkau biatlang pi nih cun, a tlangpi in a tanglei pawl langhter mi hi a tuah lai:

  • Na catlang bu chung ah na chim duh taktak mi kha a chimfianh lai (Describe the major point of the section.)
  • Na ruahnak na ceihhmai mi caah pehtlai in pehtontu a si lai (Acts as a transition between ideas of the paragraphs)
  • Na catlang bu chung i na ttial kha fiangfai tein i fian khawhnak ding kha a hmuhsak lai (Give a clear understanding of the content in the particular part of writing.)
  • Cun, tluangtlam ngai in pehtonhnak zong a pek chih lai (Provide transition function.)

Ruahnak pawl cu biapi tawhfung an si
Ideas are keys
Every author tries to explain some essential ideas to his audience. Your writing means something and gives the readers the answers to their questions; think about the structure and place the key points evenly in the text. Topic sentence helps to explain what idea is next. If you read the paper, you understand that this paragraph will explain the concept and provide some arguments. This element highlights the subject of the section and content related to it.

Cattialtu paoh nih hin a ruahnak le hmuhning kongkau hi careltu sinah in langhter le fianhter hi aa zuam lengmang mi a si. Ca na ttial nih hin na cattial a reltu cu thil pakhat hi a pek lengmang tawn hna; tahchunhnak ah, a phi zong a hmuh ter hna lai, biahalnak zong a tuah ter hna lai, silole pakhat khat kongkau ah khua zong a ruah ter hna lai. Cu tikah, na cattial ning hi ningcang tein na ttial kha a biapi. Kongkau biatlang pi cu, cu bantuk ningcang cattial ning ahcun thoknak hram pakhat a si ve, i a biapi. Kongkau biatlang pi rel bak hin, na cattial ding mi kongkau hi zeidah a si ti lai ti khi thluamthlam in hmuh hngalh khawh lengmang a si. Aruang cu na catlang bu chungah a biapi mi kha a hum hna i a langhter tawn hna.

Catlang bu chungum fiang lang in chimrel  
Explain the Written Content
In fact, topic sentence not only shows the key idea but also uncovers the information from the following part of the paper. It must be broad enough to identify all arguments from the paragraph. It also must be clear and prices. You should not write about other parts of your essay or another piece; it is hard to find a balance and be specific with these statements. When you work with a sophisticated writing piece, you should be very attentive to details. Read your piece a few times. You may also re-write your topic sentences if you see they are not related to the subject. Take away some words if you see they explain ideas from another paragraph.

A ngaingai ti ahcun, kongkau biatlang pi nih hin a pical mi na ruahnak lawng a hmuhsak siloin kongkau biatlang pi hnu i na hei peh te ding mi kongkau pawl zong thluamthlam in a phuan chih tawn. Cucaah cun, na catlang bu pakhat chung i chungum vialte thluamtlam in a airawlh kho tu a si a hau, i kau piin na chimrel khawh mi a si a hau. Capar na ttial tikah na kongkau biatlang pi aa keih lomi chungum ttial lo naa zuam lai, cu lo cun na cattial kha kaakip lo ah a vaivuanh dih lai. A biapi deuh mi capar na ttial ahcun lungrep ngei te le dingrep ngei tein ca na ttial a hau. Na ttial mi zong na rel lengmang a hau. Na kongkau biatlang pi le na chungum tibantuk kha an i ruan lo, an i keih lo ahcun na kongkau biatlang pi cu na thlennawn piak a hau vel ai.

Tluantlam mi ca pehtonhnak philh lo ding
Do not Forget About Transitioning
It is not the primary function of topic sentence, but you may use these elements as transitions from the previous part to the next one. It helps to connect the topic from one paragraph with the topic from another paragraph; you show the reader that your text has a good structure and each section is related to the previous one.

Kongkau biatlang pi nih tluangltam in ca pehtonh hi a tuah lengmang ding a si lo nain, catlang bu pakhat hnu pakhat in i tthialkam tikah cu catlang bu pawl pehtlai in pehtonhnak caah a ttha ngaingai. Na chungum thil pipa kha pehtlai in a luan ter tawn i, cu nih cun na ca a reltu kha na ttial hnawhchan mi cu fawi le bai deuh in a theihhngalh ter khawh hna.

Kongkau biatlang pi cu zeitluk indah a sau?
How Long Is a Topic Sentence?

There is no unique requirement to the length of the topic sentence. The main criteria are that is should be reasonable. The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph. Thus, it should be long enough to express that idea. But avoid wordiness; it never helps. Write your topic sentence first and then edit it. Try to cut off the unnecessary words and information Make it clear, informative, and concise, i.e. succinct.

Kongkau biatlang pi hi cu can kha can in sau seh tiah zulhphung chiah mi a um lem lo. A hau ve mi tu cu sullam a ngeih le rel awk a that ve ding kha a si. Kongkau biatlang pi cu catlang bu pakhat chung i ruahnak lu bik kha a si. Cucaah cun, cu ruahnak lu bik a zawizam kho ding in a fian a hau. Biafang tamtuk hman i tim hlah, fiang lang in na biatlang pi kha ttial ko. Kongkau biatlang pi cu ttial hmaisa law, a hnu ah duhsah in remh khawh zong zuam ko, na chungum he pehtlai in.

Kongkau biatlang pi zohchunh tlak  
Good Topic Sentences Examples
I have already mentioned that these elements are crucial for a proper writing piece. Examples are given below:
Ka chim cang bang in capar ttial tik ahhin kongkau biatlang pi cu a biapi tuk mi ca hram domhnak a si. A tanglei ahhin tahchunhnak cu pek an si:
If your topic is about “Professional cooking”
Na chim/ttial ding mi kongkau cu “Thiamsang Chumhchuannak” he aa pehtlaih ahcun
  • Professional cooking is a complex process that requires specific skills.
  • Thiamsang chumhchuannak ahhin a har ngaingai mi chumhchuan ning thiamnak pawl hi an biapi ngai.
Khah, kongkau biatlang pi ahhin, “Thiamsang chumhchuannak ahhin a har ngaingai mi chumhchuan ning thiamnak pawl hi an biapi ngai.” ti a si tikah, zeitindah bia na peh lai timi kha na hngalh fian a hau cang. Hi zawn ahhin ‘chumhchuan ning thiamnak’/ ‘skills’ kongkau hi tam deuh in na peh khawh.  
If the topic is “getting excellent education.”
  • Getting excellent education is the key to success in your future career.
  • Fimcawnnak ttha ngeihnak hi hmailei rian le khai caah hlawhtlinnak tawhfung a si.
Hi zawn ahhin, fimcawnnak hi rian le khai hlawhtlinnak caah a biapi na ti ahcun, zeibantuk pawl dah an biapi timi kha pehtlai in na langhter a hau cang. Fimcawnnak ti tikah a phun a tampi cang mu. Rian le khai thlawhtlinnak ah na ti cang caah, communication skills (chawnhbiak thiamnak) le problem-solving skills (thil buaibai remh thiamnak) tibantuk kha na chimrel piak a hau cang hnga. Tahchunhnak ah: Getting excellent education is the key to success in your future career. According to, research better education enhances a person’s communication skills, which are essential tools for getting a job.” Ti bantuk khin na peh ve hnga, cun example/bianabia zong kha na pek chih a hau hnga.
The topic is “people can’t succeed in the career.”
  • There are many reasons people cannot succeed in the career.
  • Rian ah hlawhtlinnak a ngei kho lomi minung hi an tam tuk.
Rian kongkau ah hlawhtlin lonak kongkau na chim ahcun, zeiruang ahdah, zeica ahdah tibantuk kha na purhdah ve a hau cang. Rian le khai hlawhtlinnak caah, cawnnak, thiamnak le hngalhnak tlamtling in an ngei lo maw, tibantuk, silole, zuamnak, huamnak, teimanak an ngei lo tibantuk hna kha na chimrel khawh cang hnga.
If the topic is “environmental pollution.”
  • Environmental pollution is related to humans’ contaminating activities.
  • Pawngkam thurhhnawmhnak cu minung kan tuahsernak thurhnawm pawl he hin aa pehtlai mi a si.
Minung kan thil tuah mi a that lo ruangah, pawngkam kan thurhhnawm ti a si ahcun, zeibantuk thil dah kan tuah, i zeibantuk indah kan thil tuah mi nih cun pawngkam a thurhhnawmh ter tibantuk kha na chimrel a hau cang hnga.

Tips for Creating Your Topic Sentence
Kongkau biatlang pi sersiam ningcang theihtlei
Follow these tips to make sure that your topic sentences are strong.
Topic sentence should:
A tanglei langhter ning in zul law na kongkau biatlang pi pawl cu pical in sersiam hna.
Kongkau biatlang nih a ngeih ding hna cu:
  • Na capar duhnak taktak he aa pehtlai lai (be related to thesis statement)
  • Na catlang bu pakhat caah ruahnak lu bik a si lai (be the main idea of the paragraph)
  • Ruahnak pakhat lawng kha pehtlai tein chimhceih ding (discuss only one idea or point)
  • A fiang lai i a tliang lai (clear and succinct)
  • karamar ning tein ttial mi a si lai (grammatically correct)
  • Na ruahnak pical mi a langhter tu chimrelnak pawl nih an zulh lai (should be followed by supporting and controlling ideas)
  • Catlang bu pakhat le pakhat caah pehtlai in pehtonh tu zong a si lai (serve as a bridge between the previous and current paragraph)

Synonym for Kongkau biatlang pi:
Ca hram
Bia hram
Kongkau biatlang pi ttialning | Ways to write a topic sentences Kongkau biatlang pi ttialning | Ways to write a topic sentences Reviewed by Online Cahrawl on September 02, 2020 Rating: 5
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