Verb | Fianhtu

Verb | Fianhtu

A word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience.
- Tuahsernak/cawlcanghnak, sining/umtuning, silole hmuhtonnak kong chimtu biafang silole biabor.

Verbs are one of the four major word classes, along with nouns, adjectives and adverbs. A verb refers to action, event or state.

- Fianhtu cu biatthen ngan bu li lakah a nganmi pakhat a si ve, noun, adjectives le adverbs bantukin. Fianhtu cu tuahmi, thil umtuning, le sining a langhter tu a si.

These are verbs: | Hihi fianhtu cu an si hna:

actions/tuahmi/-tuahmi: go, sing, take/ kal, hlasak, lak 
events/thil umtuning/-cangmi: die, happen, rain/ thih, can, ruah 
states/sining: be, have, know / si, ngeih, theih

Identifying verbs | Fianhtu theihhngalh khawh ning

It is not always possible to identify a verb by its form. However, some word-endings (suffixes) can show that the word is probably a verb.

Fianhtu phun hi theihhngalh khawh lengmang awkah a har ngai. Asinain, cheukhat bia-donghnak (biafang dongh hnulei pehmi) nih cun zeibantuk biafang hi dah Verb/Fianhtu phun a si ti cu an langhter tawn ve.

Suffix | Biafang a hnulei i pehmi  
Example | Tahchunnak:

-ate | appreciate, celebrate, congratulate
-en | frighten, soften, widen
-ify |identify, specify, qualify
-ise/-ize* | realise, recognise, modernise
(‘-ise’ le ‘ize’ hi an pahnih ning in hman an si ve, asinain ‘-ise’ hi British Mirang holh ah hmuh le theih deuh a si, le ‘-ize’ hi US Mirang holh deuh ah hman mi a si ve.

Typical verb prefixes | fainhtu biafang hram i chapmi cafang phun. tc. less cu unless; ‘un’ hi prefix cu a si

ad- | adapt, admit, advance
de- | deceive, deform, describe
im-/in- | impose, increase, inform
per- | perform, persuade, perceive
re- | recall, receive, reproduce

(Note: Some words beginning with these prefixes may also belong to other word classes e.g. increase and reception [both are noun]. A good learner’s dictionary will tell you whether a word is a verb.)

(Note: A cunglei i, biafang hmailei beh ding cafang pawl hna hi, zeimaw caan ahcun verb/fianhtu lawng siloin auhmin chung zongah hmuh khawh an si tawn. tc. increase le reception hi ‘noun’ an si ve thotho.

Cucaah cun, na fian lomi um cun dictionary zoh chih zong a ttha. Cun, zeitin Noun/auhmin thleidan khawh ning a si lai timi zong kha Noun cabuk chung ahkhan zoh chih khawh thiam a si.)

Compound verb | Funtom Fianhtu

Compound verbs are two words which combine to make one meaning. The first word is usually a noun, an adjective or preposition, and the second word is a verb. The words are sometimes written as one word and sometimes joined by hyphen.

Funtom Fianhtu cu biafang pahnih komh in sullam pakhat ser khi a si. Biafang pakhat hi auhmin/noun, sifianh/adjective silole hmuncaansawh/preposition tu deuh a si, cun le biafang pakhat komh mi cu amah verb/fianhtu deuh a si. Cu biafang hna cu biafang pakhat ttial in tti an si tawn, i a caan ahcun rintawi/hyphen he peh an si tawn.

hand-wash (noun + verb = auhmin + fianhtu)
highlight  (adjective + verb = sifianh + fianhtu)
overcome (preposition + verb = hmuncaansawh + fianhtu)

Compound verbs are much less common than compound nouns or compound adjectives.

Compound verb cu CN le CA bantuk in hman an si tuk lem lo.

Main verbs | Fianhtu lubik

The main verb is the action word of the main clause that the subject completes.

Note: Main verb hi Liaca in leh dingah kaa harh ngaingai caah Fianhtu Lubik tiah ka hei ti. Chim duh taktak mi cu Main verb hi verb chung ahcun principal verb a si hei tinak. Cun, main verb chung ahcun biatlang tling pakhat chung ahhin biatlang tthen khat a um ttheo rih; cucu biatlang tthen cu main clause tiah auh a si. Tahchunhnak ah “I knew him when he was a boy” –hi chung ahhin ‘I knew him.” hi biatlang pakhat ah a dir kho. Cun, main clause cu a tling deuh tung lomi tlintertu ding thil/minung a hau mi a zong a si.

Main verbs have meanings related to actions, events and states. Most verbs in English are main verbs:

Fianhtu Lubik? nih hin cawlcanghnak, thil umtuning le sining he pehtlaih in sullam an ngeih. Mirang caholh ah verb tam u cu main verb an si hna.

We went home straight after the show.
People enjoy sports.
It snowed a lot that winter.

Modal verbs | Fianh bawmtu

Modal verb are verb that expresses necessity or possibility. English modal verbs include must, shall, will, should, would, can, could, may, and might.
Fianh bawmtu nih cun herhpang le si khawhnak cu a langhter hna. Mirangca fianh bawmtu chung ahhin must, shall, will, should, would, can, could, may ­le might biapi bik an si.

Verb phrases | Fianhtu Biabor

A verb phrase consist of a main verb alone, or a main verb plus any modal verbs. The main verb always comes last in the verb phrase:

Fianhtu biabor chung ahhin main verb hi amah te lawng in a um, silole modal verb he pehtonh a si caan zong a um. Main verb hi biabor donghnak leikap peng ah a um lai:

Main verb phrase lawng: We all laughed.

Main verb + modal verb phrase: Computer [MO] can [MV] be very annoying!

NOTE: Verb biafang khomh suatmi zeimawzet cu Word file ah ka tlen hna. Asinain, Laica in ka let hna lo. Cucu, nangmah tein, nikhat ah 10, silole 5 ti bantuk te in maw, notebook fate pakhat ah i tlen hna law, a sullam zong hlathlai chih. Na thiamnak dingah an bawmh ngaingai lai. File cu word in ka chiah caah na download a hau lai.

Atang hmanthlak link hi hmet law download:

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Verb | Fianhtu Verb | Fianhtu Reviewed by Van on February 02, 2017 Rating: 5
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