Noun | Auhmin


A noun is a word or set of words for a person, place, thing, or idea.
- Auhmin timi cu minung, hmunhma, thil le ri, silole ruahnak ca i hmanmi biafang hi a si.

Examples: 'Doctor', 'coal', and 'beauty' are all nouns.
Tahchunhnak: 'Siibawi', 'meihol', le 'dawhnak' hna hi auhmin cu an si hna. 

Nouns are one of the four major word classes, along with verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Nouns are the largest word class.
Biaṭhen ahhin hman cemmi pali an um: fianhtu, sifianh, fianhthuam le auhmin, hi an si hna. Hi lak ahhin auhmin hi a ngam cemmi a si.

Types of nouns | Auhmin phun

Nouns referring to people: boy, girl, woman, student, Suisui, president, mother, man, Sang.
- Mi ca i auhmin chim: pa ngakchia, nu ngakchia, nutung, sianginn ngakchia, Suisui, ramuk bawi, nu, pa, Sang.

Nouns referring to animals and things: book, tree, name, computer, bird, idea, place, picture, dog, love, Hakha...
- Saram, thil le ri ca i auhmin: cauk, thingkung, min, computer, va, ruahnak, hmunhma, hmanthlak, uico, dawtnak, Hakha...

The woman in the picture is my mother. Her name is Sung. She's from Hakha.
Hmanthlak chung i ummi minu hi kanu a si. Amin cu Sung a si. Hakha in a ra mi a si.

Countable and Uncountable Noun | Rel le Rel khawh lomi Auhmin 

Countable nouns are individual people, animals, places, things, or ideas which can be counted. E.g. One dog.
Uncountable nouns are not individual objects, so they cannot be counted. E.g. Water.

- Rel khawh mi auhmin cu pumpak minung, saram, hmunhma, thil le ri, silole ruahnak te hna rel khawh si mi cu an si. Tc. Uico pakhat
- Rel khawh lomi auhmin cu pumpak setset he aa pehtlai lomi an si, cucaah rel khawh an si lo. Tc. Ti

Collective Noun | Minbu auhmin

Collective nouns refer to a count noun that denotes a group of individuals (e.g. assembly, family, crew ).

- Bu le phu min cu Minbu nih a hmuhsakmi le a langhtermi an si. (Bianabia. pumhnak, chungkhar, rianṭuan bu)

Common Nouns | Minhrawm

Most nouns are common nouns, referring to classes or categories of people, animals, and things.

- Auhmin hi a tam u cu minhrawm deuh hi an si.

Proper Noun | Minbing

Proper nouns are the names of specific people, animals, and things. They are written with a capital letter at the start.  E.g. Sang Lian, Hakha

- Minbing cu min setset te asiloah pumpak kawhnak ca i hmanmi a si. Cafang ngan in biafang thok zungzal awk a si. T.c. Sang Lian, Hakha

Abstract Noun | Athlam Auhmin

Abstract nouns refer to things which are not material objects, such as ideas, feelings, and situations...

- Minthlam nih a sawh duhmi cu kan hmuh kan tawngh khawh lomi thil an si, cu hna cu ruahnak, hngalhnak, le thil sining...

Concrete Noun | Tawnghkhawh Auhmin?

Concrete nouns refer to material objects which we can see or touch.

Tawnghkhawh auhm nih a sawh duhmi cu kan hmuh kan tongh khawh mi thil le ri an si.

Identifying nouns | Auhmin hngalthiam ningcang

It is not always possible to identify a noun by its form. However, some word endings can show that the word is probably a noun.

Auhmin a sinak hi hngalthiam khawh zungzal cu a fawimi a si lo. Sihmanhsehlaw, cheu khat biafang donghnak nih cun mah hihi cu auhmin a si ko ti zong an hmuhsak tawn ve.

ending (donghnak) | e.g. (bianabia) age, ance, ence, er, or, hood, ism, ist, itude, ity, ty,ment, ness, ship, sion, tion
-age | postage, language, sausage
-ance/ -ence |insurance, importance, difference,
-er/-or | teacher, driver, actor
-hood | childhood, motherhood, fatherhood,
-ism | socialism, nationalism
-ist | artist, pianist, optimist
-itude | attitude, multitude, solitude
-ity/-ty | identity, quantity, cruelty
-ment | excitement, argument, government
-ness | happiness, business, darkness
-ship | friendship, championship, relationship
-tion/-sion | station, nation, extension 

Compound Noun | Auhmin Komh

Some nouns consist of more than one word. These are compound nouns. Compound nouns can be formed in different ways. The most common way is to put two nouns together (noun + noun); other common types are adjective + noun and verb + noun.

Auhmin cheukhat cu biafang pakhat nak tam he hman an si tawn. Hi hna cu auhmin komh cu an si. Auhmin komh cu phun tam nawn in tial khawh an si. Auhmin veve komhtti hi hman bik asi (auhmin + auhmin); cheukhat dang cu sifianh + auhmin le fianhtu + auhmin an si ve.

e.g. bianabia. noun + noun | auhmin + auhmin, Iceland, shopkeeper, website, 
adjective + noun | sifianh + auhmin blackberry, grandstand, greenhouse, small talk v
erb + noun | fianhtu + auhmin breakwater, tall-guy, go-kart, runway

Note: Hman lengmangmi Noun biafang zeimawzet khomh suatmi;
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Noun | Auhmin Noun | Auhmin Reviewed by Van on January 08, 2017 Rating: 5
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